

무료채굴 극초기 선점 'Rich Continents' RCNT 토큰



BSC기반 Metaverse 게임 프로젝트




추천코드 : 3RgwDnXd5C


[크기변환]구글플레이죄종 - 복사본.png


22RCNT / 시간

0H에서 6H 끌어 채굴을 시작하세요.


구글플레이 : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.richcontinents.online


총발행량 : 100억개

웹사이트 : https://richcontinents.online/

백서 : https://richcontinents.online/Whitepaper.pdf

계약주소 : 0xD676c90a3979e73dfFb61f7a8608234781fc9CF8 (BSC)

코인마켓캡 : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ricnatum/

팬케익스왑 상장




















About Rich Continents

Year 2270

The population has decreased by 85 percent, the world is on the verge of destruction and is in danger of extinction. A handful of scientists trying to save the world have discovered a gateway to parallel universes. They found a universe very similar to Earth, and sent a few volunteer travelers to research it to see if it was habitable. The first team to go to this parallel world encountered something very interesting. This universe looked very much like their own world, but apart from wild animals, there was no sign of life. There was a society that existed before, but it was as if they had suddenly disappeared.


Thereupon, the volunteer travel team began to wander this new planet every inch and look for signs of life. After a while, they discovered a mine they called Ricnatum. They realized that this mineral formed the foundation stone of the planet.


Visit the Whitepaper for the full story.


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Game Interface

You can examine a 3D Model and concept from the right side about some of the content you can find in the Rich Continents game.


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NFT Marketplace

Here are some NFT designs that you will come across with our upcoming Rich Continents game.


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